Saturday, February 15, 2014

Hidden Gold

Well now, I know this is totally unrelated to baking, but that is totally ok. This is why the blog is named Rach Bakes and Stuff... though.. yes, I see, there is more stuff versus baking, however the intention of this blog was to mostly feature baking.  Awhh the beauty of having your own blog! Muhahahaha!  :p

Today Chris and I went to the local farmers market, here, in Columbus New Jersey. The farmers market has an amazing fresh produce section, as well as a lovely bakery, and just unique baking materials sold by the pound that are difficult to find. I want to go back, and pick up an assortment of glitters and decorating tools for cakes, cupcakes, and cookies. They also have an abundance of different homemade fruit jams. Aside, from the actual food and produce at the farmers market, there is a variety of shops for anything and almost everything you can imagine at discounted prices. I have to admit, the first time we came and looked here, I went in with a closed mind, and my thoughts were, I don't want things that other people have had, if I want something I want it new, and I don't care if I have to pay 20 dollars more for it new and unused. Well I went in today with a total open mind set, which I should have before, and we found some great items.

When Chris and I went back home to Louisiana last summer, his parents showed him his old toys. I didn't really get why he was so happy and why he wanted to bring them home with us. I said it's just junk and it's just going to sit around and collect dust. Total bitch thing to say.  I just didn't get it. I didn't get it because I couldn't understand where he was coming from.When I was a child my mom and I moved around a lot, I lost a lot of things, and she threw a ton of things away. My parents didn't save old toys like his did. We grew up in two different kinds of house holds, my parents pay check to pay check, and it was just if we didn't use things we threw them away. It was a waste of space. I mean, when I told my mom Chris and I were getting married when I was 18, she bagged all my clothes and everything in big garbage bags and said alright your room is emptied out come get your shit and don't come back.  This being said, I think that's why I didn't understand how happy it made Chris to see his old toys. Well today I finally understood and felt that feeling of pure innocence childhood joy.

We went into this toy shop that had a ton of old toys from star wars 80s toys, kiss toys, Beatles posters, spice girl toys, chucky dolls, and I even say the old Nsync dolls. When I turned I saw something amazing. A toy that I completely forgot about. It was the 1997 Holiday Barbie! I literally screamed out loud and almost fell over with excitement. (also because I was holding a heavy pizza stone).  I remember wanting that holiday Barbie really bad, and I remember my mom and step dad ( side note my step dad was basically my dad) telling me if I got it for Christmas it was going to be my only gift that year, and I was totally ok with that, even though I couldn't play with it. I remember that Christmas morning, opening that weird box, and I was so incredibly happy. I wanted to open it so bad, but my mom said I couldn't. I would just stare at that Barbie for hours! We also found the 1991 holiday Barbie, which I didn't have but I was born in 91, so I thought it would be pretty awesome to get. I really have never felt that much joy in finding something old that I loved. It really makes me want to get my old toys back. lol silly huh? Just do it though, think of something amazing you truly loved as a child, and go buy it, you'll understand that feeling then.

So I decided I want to collect all the holiday barbies from 1988 to 1998. 2 down. Yes!

So here are the pictures of these beauties!



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