Thursday, February 13, 2014

Garlic Parmesan Wings

Before I get into this deliciousness, lets just look at a picture together...

Alright, now are you ready?! Oh and let me just say these are only 276 calories per 8 separated wings or 4 together wings.

One of the household favorites, aside from jambalaya, are wings. Every time  we go grocery shopping, we pick up the ingredients for wings. My husband literally makes the best wings. :D We typically do a traditional hot wing (hot cayenne butter sauce and fried), and the past few times we had been doing a spicy garlic. For quite sometime, Chris has really been wanting to attempt a garlic parmesan wing. We also wanted to try a baked wing. We go to the gym a lot and we attempt to eat somewhat healthy, but I mean, when you think wings, you think something buttery, fried, and just bad for you, that's typically what makes them so delicious! Am I right?   :p

I am not going to lie, I was supper skeptical on trying these because the recipe called for the chicken to be boiled for 15 minutes first, and then baked, and I really hate poached/boiled chicken. Let me just say these were truly amazing! I was also weary on theses because I love extra sauce with everything, and these wings do not have a sauce with them. They were pretty much the bomb alone, but I do think they would be better with a sauce on top.  The recipe we used can be found here: This recipe is good for 4 lbs, however we did 2 lbs, the liquid was enough and the breading was just enough, but we like extra breading.

What made this recipe so good? Well, they are a bit healthier than fried wings, essentially, the only bad ingredient in theses is the parmesan cheese. Also, these were the most tender perfectly cooked wings I have ever had in my life! Boiling these in water, and then allowing them to dry creates a crust on the skin, and really if you were to eat one, and not know they were baked, you would think they were fried.  Also they are very dimensional flavor wise. They have a nice kick to them.


4 lbs Wings                
3 quarts cold water                                                     


1 comment:

  1. Also..... blog post on actual baking coming sooooon! Planning on making cheesecake brownies today, so look for that blogpost within the next few days. :)


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