Wednesday, July 16, 2014

Breakfast Time!

One of my very favorite flavor combinations is strawberry and banana. It is one of the classic combinations of fruit that just go well together. I have been trying to eat a lot more fruit lately, it is so good for you, and super refreshing on a hot summer day! I have told yall before that I love mixing fruit and yogurt together for breakfast, but on run days I don't like to really eat any dairy before my run. Even if I eat or drink anything dairy 4 hours before a run, I crap up extremely bad, and it makes it difficult to finish my run when I know I can do it. So I found another way to get my fruit in, in the morning, before a run. I will eat this about an hour and a half before my run and then the half of my quest bar about a half hour before heading out.

This is so simple but so delicious.

Sliced strawberries on top of sliced banana's, so tasty and actually quite a filling breakfast.


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