Wednesday, March 11, 2015

Missing my Husband & My Bucket List

Chris has been gone a bit over a month now, and it has actually flown by, surprisingly, but I still really miss the hell out of him. I mean it is easier than the last deployment, but still difficult. When you are so use to being with someone all the time, it is only natural for it to be tough. When he left, I didn't cry as much as last time, or as much as I thought I would. I typically cry a lot.... hey leave me be, I am emotional, I'm a Pisces, would you expect anything else?! But lately I have been crying a lot actually.... like every day... it's been bitter sweet for me. I am happy I got a job, but I am going to miss telling him good night and seeing how his day was. He gets off at (:30 pm, 1:30 pm my time, he is 8 hours ahead. 1 pm is right in the middle of the day so I know with shifts we will miss that time to talk about our day with each other, but I know I need something to get me out, to interact with people.

Here is a picture of him, he sent me last week.

Awhhh I love when I get pictures of him, he does have wifi so that is nice! I know it could be 100 times worse and I'm lucky we get to talk as much as we do.
Oh here is a picture of a letter a kid wrote to someone in his squadron. hahaha I thought it was great and had to share!
And now on a more positive note, I found a bucket list I wrote in 2011. I still want to do everything.


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