Saturday, March 7, 2015

Fitness and Knee Pains

I had actually been doing really well at the gym. I told myself I would run 7 miles every other day, and I had stuck to it an entire month. I have even started to do weights for my arms as well as doing push up daily, even on non work out days. I have been so proud of myself, but recently my left knee started to hurt really bad. I went three days without running... tried to run and could only do 2 miles, my knee gave out on the treadmill, and I almost busted my face.... and an old man that started before me, and was still going after and fast.... asked if I was ok. I never felt so defeated. I know I am hurt and should let my knee heal, but I just don't want to miss run days, and I don't want to lose my run. I waited a day... and bought a knee band for runners knee... because I do think that is what I have, and I've been icing my knee for every night for two weeks.

The run above photo was today (Friday March 6th) I went a lot slower, still ran and it felt ok running but now this evening my knee burns so bad and I literally want to cry when I walk down my stairs. I have finally concluded I need to take a whole entire week to rest it, even if it feels ok in four days, I will rest an entire week. I would rather rest a whole week then hurt it worse. I am also going to try to make a doctors appointment soon. I don't want to lose my ability to run, not only for fitness, but it just makes me feel really good during the day. Here is to really sticking to taking a week off. I've been trying these stretches I found on youtube for runners knee.... key word trying* It hurts immensely right now to try.

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