Monday, September 8, 2014

Power Breakfast

The past two days at work I was a double, which means I worked lunch and dinner.
Usually they will try to get doubles out at 7 or so, but some nights,
you can be there until close, and well I don't like to eat or drink
anything while I am at work, so I like to eat a good filling breakfast,
so that I can get through the entire day.
My breakfast of choice for these days,
Greek vanilla yogurt with bananas and blueberries.
I love greek yogurt because it contains a ton of protein 10 to 12 grams,
and had 0 fat. It is super filling, and bananas and blueberries,
are one of my very favorite fruit combinations.
I split the container of yogurt in half and do two layers, as well
as two layers of fruit. I also love blueberries because they contain,
tons of antioxidants. 

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