Thursday, September 11, 2014

Knee Surgery

Tomorrow on the 12th Chris is getting knee surgery, well I suppose it isn't really surgery, but to me it is. He has always had knee problems in both of his knees, and it has been getting worse as the years go by, or as he continues to use them, which, he has to use them everyday at work. I will be driving him to the surgery. They are basically going in with a scope and clearing up all the built up cartilage inside that is causing him pain. If one goes well, then he will get the other one done after it heals. I just hope everything goes really smooth and as planned. We had thought last month that he was getting the PRK done on his eyes, and that did not pan out because of the wrong prescription, so I really hope this goes on how we are planning. He will be home for a week after from work, so his leg has the opportunity to heal.

Keep Positive thoughts everyone! Also the 13th is a very special day. :)

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