Friday, June 6, 2014

Coconut Water

I have never tried coconut water.
I have been seeing it every where lately,
in the grocery stores, online, t.v, and so on.
I decided maybe I should try it. I know people say coconut is
one of those "super" foods/ ingredients and what not.
I am not a fan of coconut, so I tried the peach mango.

I am unsure if you can see the nutrients in this photo,
but it has 2 servings in it, one serving is 60 calories,
there are no added sugars to this.

I will be honest, I tried it and made a face.
At first this sort of tasted,
well how do I say this...
NOW WAIT! I know that sounds just awful!
the more I drank it, slowly,
the more I began to enjoy it. It was strange.
Even, my husband asked me "so do you like it or not?"
He said my face changed throughout each sip.
The more I drank it, the more I could taste the fruit.
I don't think I could drink this like water, but I just know it would
be excellent in my fruit smoothies!
I usually use almond milk for my liquid, but I think this would be better!
My thoughts are, that it will make my smoothie,
more fruity, as apposed to creamy!
I cannot wait to give this a try!


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