Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Milkinis Chocolate


Chris and I often get chocolate cravings, especially at night.
I know, I know, it's so bad for you to eat in the evening,
but sometimes you just need to satisfy those cravings!
So this little beauty caught my eye.
The brand is Milka, and on the package it said
"Europe's favorite chocolate"
So I figured, what the heck, I'll try it.

It comes with 8 individual bars, 4 squares per bar.
I love how they are individually wrapped.
It helps keep them fresh if you only want a little here and there.
These were absolutely divine. So much so,
when Chris wanted some, I got a bit cranky about it...
(sorry honey!)
But they were that good!
They are chocolate squares with this smooth cream in the middle,
almost like kinder chocolate.

I did a little research on them, and it is Swiss chocolate,
which explains why I loved it so much,
Swiss chocolate is my favorite chocolate,
by far!
This brand makes other kinds as well.
Some other kinds are chocolate with,
almonds, hazelnuts, and toffee crunch.
If you ever come across this I highly recommend you try it.
I promise you will not regret it!
I found this at the commissary, on base,
but I was reading that you can find them at walmart as well!


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