Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Eating Healthy!

Some days, I get so hungry, and I don't have time to eat, so then when I get time, I go insane, and eat the whole entire kitchen? Do you ever have those days? Well a good substantial meal replacement I have discovered, are the cliff bars. I use to have them in the summer time before or after a run, and I recently sort of rediscovered them. I picked up quite a few the other day. They are great because they are small enough to take and put in your purse and take them on the go. They are also super filling. I ate one a day ago for dinner, because Chris was at work, and I wasn't in the mood for anything really but something sweet... but eating a candy bar for dinner isn't practical, well neither is an energy bar, but it's better than a candy bar. Well I was expecting to be hungry in an hour or so, you know, because candy bars don't fill you up, but the cliff bar filled me completely, and well, that was indeed dinner.

Another great thing for on the go, or for breakfast in the morning are the naked juices! I have only tried a few but the green machine is my favorite thus far! I love how the front says "looks weird, but tastes great," because that is very much true. The first time I saw this, I thought who would drink that, that looks so unappealing, but it is simply delicious. It is pretty sweet for all the vegetables it contains, and I love how it is all pure fruits and vegetables, because god knows I don't get my proper intake of them. Side note- I need to change that!

My favorite cliff bar was the one I most recently picked up, the blueberry crisp! Oh my goodness, this was really a treat. It was super tasty, in fact, it honestly tasted like a homemade blueberry streusel muffin! I highly recommend it! Also the cliff bars look gross at first as well, but try them, they are awesome! It also gave me energy to squeeze in thirty minutes of ab exercises. :)







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