Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Peanut Butter & Honey Sandwhich!

Ok y'all
I have tried something amazing, and I just need to share it with y'all!
Have y'all ever heard of a peanut butter and honey sandwich?!?!?!
To be totally honest, I have never heard of this or thought of doing this,
until I came across a peanut butter and honey uncrustables pack in the grocery store.
You know those premade sandwiches for kids lunches? I use to love them as a child,
but I never had the one with honey. Well I thought about trying this at home. I like jelly
or jam on my peanut butter sandwiches, but chris doesn't (he's weird like that), so we
never buy jam or jelly. Chris eats his with just peanut butter on the bread! Nothing else!
We bought a new kind of peanut butter, usually we always stick with JIF and it is sort of
like no other peanut butter exists. Well this is what we bought....

Smuckers natural, it tastes so much better. It is fresher, not as sweet, it does have a more oily over creamy consistency, and needs to be mixed well before used, but it is pretty delicious!

Also the nutrition in it seems to contain less fats even though it feels like it has more, and it has way less sugar!
So this peanut butter combined with honey was spectacular! This is now one of my new favorites! Also, this honey wheat bread made it all blend together like perfection!
I highly recommend y'all try a honey and peanut butter sandwich!

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