Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Cleansing Water & Detox

After eating so many bad foods and coming back from a vacation it can be difficult to get your body back on track! I have told myself it is better to eat bad and exercise than to just eat bad and do nothing. Oh the ways of my logic, haha. Well it is time to get back on track! Even though there will be future posts on not so great foods for you, it is ok in moderation, or to bake for other people! :) A wonderful woman I know that I work with told me about this fat burning water. It is also suppose to give you energy, and thus far I am feeling it work. So what's in it?

here it is:

You take 1 grapefruit, 1 orange, 1 tangerine, 1 lemon, 1 lime, and 1 whole cucumber! You chop them all up, I left rinds on everything but the grapefruit, but it's probably tastier taking all the rinds off. The rinds add a bitter taste. You squeeze all the juices of the fruit into the pitcher, then place all the fruits in the pitcher, fill all the way with water, give it a good stir. After that you place half a bunch of fresh mint on top, make sure it is under the water but resting on top. After that you wait 24 hours after it has sat in the fridge, then you are good to drink it. You are suppose to drink it over the course of a week, warning it is really bitter. It only taste like grapefruit and cucumber but it works! it's like a natural detox but you aren't running to and from the bathroom, and it gives you energy! You should drink about three glasses of the water a day! It get's easier to drink as you get use to it.

I've been trying to eat healthier snacks as well. I have been on a peanut butter kick lately. I love peanut butter so much! I love it on apples, banana's, ( Thanks Gwen Stefani for teaching me how to spell banana's), and my latest favorite toasting a piece of bread, spreading peanut butter on it, and topping it off with some honey nut scooters. Yes, scooters because I'm too poor for cheerios. Haha not really, you just get more in a huge bag of scooters than cheerios. It's the same thing, right?!

What are some of yalls favorite healthy things?!

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