Saturday, September 13, 2014

5 Years of Marriage

Chris and I got married September 13, 2009

Today we make 5 years of being married,
half of a decade, and I couldn't have chosen,
a better, more perfect partner in life.
Chris is my best friend, my biggest support system, and he knows
just what to say or do to make me laugh.
We literally read each others minds, and are so connected.
I never believed in soul mates before him, but
from everything we have been through, and how we ended up finding 
one another I truly believe he is my soul mate.

Happy Anniversary, Babe, I love you.

Some photos of us through the years:

July 09 when he graduated Basic Training

When we were just dating. A few nights before we got married.

September 13, 2009

October 09 in Alaska

2012 Six Flags NJ

October 2013 Getting home from Deployment #1

March 2014 visiting the light house

May 2014 At the McGuire Airshow

And our recent trip to D.C. August 2014

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