Friday, August 1, 2014

Stuffed Bell Peppers

I always use to love when my mom would make stuffed bell peppers, but as an adult, I had never made them or even thought about making them. They are one of those forgotten favorites I suppose. Chris and I bought some a while back from whole foods, they were in the window, and sparked my memory of love for them. They were ok, and really just ok. They were severely under seasoned. I mean, I know things at whole foods are suppose to be healthy for you and organic, but these things needed some serious help and flavor added to them.

After having those, though, we decided we needed to make our own stuffed bell peppers at home. I mean they are very simple to make.

We started off mixing together a pound of ground meat and a pound of jalapeno cheese sausage.  To that mix we added salt and pepper to taste and 2 tablespoons of freshly chopped parsley. We added one whole can of hot rotel (that included habanero peppers). We also added in some chili powder. We mixed that up well and set it aside.

In a small pan we had rice boiling, while the rice was boiling in a large saute pan, we sauteed one whole diced onion until translucent. To the onion we added the beef/sausage mixture. When it was all cooked, we added a good amount of minced garlic (we love garlic) and then once the garlic was cooked we added about 1/2 cup of cheese, and allowed that to melt. Once melted, take off the heat and prepare the peppers.

To prepare the peppers, we just cut the tops off, and then hollowed out the centers, and then we stuffed them. We stuffed them extremely full, and it was perfect for 6 very large peppers. We stuffed them and allowed them to sit in the refrigerator until we were ready to cook them.

Once we were hungry and ready to cook them off, we preheated the oven to 375. We drizzled them with olive oil and  cooked them for 45 minutes, thirty minutes with the foil on, and 15 with the foil off. Then we topped them with more cheese, and baked for 10 more minutes.

They came out delicious and super flavorful, however, we like really soft peppers and they could have been softer, but we didn't want to over cook the meat/ stuffing mixture.

My husband was saying next time before stuffing them we should just hollow out the peppers and pre bake them off before stuffing them, which sounds like an excellent idea! We will for sure do that next time! This recipe is so simple, but super flavorful and delicious!

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