Wednesday, July 2, 2014

Green Tea

I have been on the green tea bandwagon for a while now. I just absolutely love the taste of green tea. I only drank it iced, up until last month. I usually drink the Arizona brand of green tea with ginseng and honey. It is like my drug, or rather what i cannot go a day without! Well i noticed they have a lot of sugar in them, and though it is natural sugars, well they are still carbonated. Don't get me wrong, I still have an Arizona green tea every now and again but not every day like I was before.

Instead I bought this green tea I saw in the commissary, it has a bit of white tea in it as well.

I seriously love the packaging for this tea. Though I was a bit confused at first.

When I opened it I was expecting it to be package like typical iced teas such as Lipton, you know, individually wrapped in little square packages. This tea surprised me.   The main container the tea bags are in is resealable for optimum freshness!

Once you open it up, you immediately smell the aroma of the green tea!  The tea bags come as two connected to each other and you just tear the line for one bag. 

I made it iced the first day, but i have been drinking hot green tea before bed every night and loving it. I would highly recommend this tea if you enjoy green tea. I never thought i would like hot tea, but i think i love hot just as much as iced. Also this tea contains honey as well, so when i make it iced, it is perfect on sweetness for me, and does not need any added sugar. This tea is much better for you then the Arizona tea's, but like i said, i will still enjoy one of the Arizona's every now and again. 

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