Friday, July 11, 2014


Yesterday my husband and I found out he made rank! He will now go from a Senior Airman to a Staff Sergeant.  Staff is basically the first tier of a supervisor roll. They test and depending upon how many Staff's the Air Force needs for the year determines where they place the cut off score. This year promotion rate was at the lowest it has been in a long time (maybe the lowest ever, I am not sure, don't quote me), it was at 24%. It was a difficult year, but i am so proud of my husband! I knew he had it this year! He tested last year and didn't make it, but I just knew this was his year! His line number is 4182, what this means is it determines when he sews on that other stripe! The line numbers go up to 10,000 so he did pretty amazing!!!

I bought him a cookie cake after work yesterday, to surprise him and celebrate. He had to go to work, but he was surprised that i got him a cake. I didn't have time to make one, but I wanted to make sure he knows how amazingly proud I am!

He thought he was dreaming all day!

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