Friday, July 25, 2014

Arizona Tea

I am super addicted to Arizona tea. I just don't know what it is about it but it is so delicious. I am definitely a tea fanatic. All throughout high school and my Starbucks days (which was a year ago) I was always a coffee drinker. I do blame that addiction on my parents, they always had coffee in the house at every moment of the day. Is there really a problem with that though? haha. Well I was always a coffee drinker, and on my last few months at Starbucks I started drinking more tea. It started with the passion tea lemonade, then just passion tea, then the green tea. Now, growing up in Louisiana I drank my fare share of sweet tea, don't get me wrong I LOVE my sweet tea (Might I add my mother in law makes THE BEST sweet tea on the PLANET called Earth) but sweet tea is not the best for you. Tea is suppose to be full of antioxidants and good for your body, however when it is loaded up with sugar, while delicious, it isn't the best choice of beverage. Well i have always heard great things about green tea, and though I know the Arizona green tea does have it's share of sugar I still like to drink it once in a while cold in the day, and then I will drink my hot non sugar green tea in the evening.

So it has been said, I like Arizona Green tea, the one with honey and ginsing, but recently I have been branching out. I have tried the Arnold Palmer half tea/ half lemonade and it is delicious. I also recently tried the watermelon cocktail fruit juice. Now I think this is the best tasting one I have tried, but for that amazing taste, you guessed it, it is loaded with sugar! While this seriously is not the best choice of beverage, it is quite tasty, and quite refreshing on a hot summer day!

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