Monday, July 28, 2014

A Perfect Combination

This may seem weird to some people but I have found the absolute perfect fruit combination for either breakfast or a snack. I am always combining different fruits together for a different taste. I usually do the typical pairings that are expected, i.e. strawberries/blueberries, strawberries/banana.  Today I decided to pair a clementine with blueberries. I don't know why I have never done this before, I think this has been the most refreshing fruit combination I have done to date! Both fruits are very good for you, and I have heard both are great for breakfast to get your brain starting up and just feeling happy and healthy.

Also, might I add, Orange and blue are a great color combination.

Fact of the day, blue and orange are opposite on the color wheel, and opposite colors on the color wheel attract. Such as Red/green (Christmas) purple and yellow (LSU).

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