Friday, June 27, 2014

Strawberry Love

Strawberries are by far my favorite fruit. I get excited whenever I see that the commissary (grocery store on base, for those that don't know) has them. They usually never have good ones, or ones worth buying. They typically go bad really fast. There have been multiple times I have wanted to buy them, but all of them have bits of mold, not going to buy moldy fruit! They had some today that looked absolutely divine.  Four your information, they tasted amazing! At first, though, I could have sworn the first one I ate tasted like a pear. That was bizarre, but then i started wondering what would a hybrid of a pear/strawberry taste like;Then what would it be called?! A Pearberry?  I think of some really random things sometimes. Berries are so good for your body though, I love to eat them for breakfast, an in between meal snack, or a late night snack when I am craving something sweet. I love sweets too much, and fruits are natural sweets. 

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