Monday, April 7, 2014

Enchilada Sauce

Hello Lovelies, I hope y'all have been doing well! One of my favorite things that my husband makes are his enchiladas. There is a funny, well funny to me, story behind these beauties. I have never liked enchiladas before Chris and I got married, in fact I legitimately hated them. Now, here is the reason why, I don't like dry foods, and every time I have ever had them, they were dry. Chris makes amazing enchiladas, and still I will only eat his. The first night I arrived in Alaska, in October 2009, to join him, he made me enchiladas. It was the first meal we had eaten together in our first home, as a married couple. With that being said, they kinda have a special spot in my heart. Speaking of hearts, the first time Chris made these for me, they gave me heart burn. haha.

The inspiration for this sauce can be found here

So when chris told me he wanted to do a homemade enchilada sauce, I was skeptical, because his are perfect. The thoughs, going through my head were, why? Why fix something that isn't broken, but let me tell you it was amazing, so much more tomatoey, and delicious than the usual canned sauce we use. Homemade is usually always better, but can you see why I was meh about it? He was changing a food that I never loved, but he had converted me to love it.

Here is how we made it, or rather this was Chris' beauty.

3 tablespoons of vegetable oil combined with three tablespoons of flour. This calls for only 1 tablespoon of flour however, we found it was to runny. Cook until you have a bit of a paste, a roux. Add 1/4 cup of chili powder, give it a good stir, and then add two cups of chicken stock, 1 teaspoon oregano, 1 teaspoon of cumin, 1 teaspoon of salt, and 10 ounces of tomato paste. Bring the sauce to a boil, and then reduce to a simmer on low heat. You are going to want to cook for 15 minutes. The sauce will thicken as it cooks. Always remember to taste and adjust your salt according to taste preference. :)

Here are some photos.
















We like lots of cheese. :)
In a medium saucepan heat oil, add flour, smoothing and stirring with a wooden spoon. Cook for 1 minute. Add chili powder and cook for 30 seconds. Add stock, tomato paste, oregano, and cumin. Stir to combine. Bring to a boil, reduce heat to low and cook for 15 minutes. The sauce will thicken and smooth out. Adjust the seasonings. Serve atop your favorite enchiladas.

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