Friday, March 20, 2015

The Perfect Preworkout Breakfast

I know my knee has been hurting and that has been stopping me from having amazing workouts, but I use to cramp up a lot before my runs, and I figured out why I was doing that. It was a combination of swinging my arms too much, too far out,rather, while running and my breakfast of choice. I use to always eat either yogurt or an apple before running, I figured something light, but filling to give me energy. No, no, and no. This in retrospect is just a terrible idea. Both yogurt and apples, though feel light, can be very heavy on your stomach. The dairy in the yogurt can make you cramp very badly, as well as, all of the fiber in apples can upset your stomach. Both can be great foods for after a workout, I personally love the protein in Greek yogurt, and have started adding it to my post work out smoothies.

My Breakfast of choice now is......

Here we have a mini blueberry begal with some butter. I allow myself to have a little butter for flavor, as well as it's a mini bagel, it isn't a large one. I feel the bagel fils me up, gives me tons of energy, and really sets my brain and stomach up for a great workout. I also add some fresh berries, strawberries and blueberries. Blueberries are great antioxidants, and strawberries are just my favorite fruit. I really feel this combination energizes me perfectly. I typically wait an hour after I have eaten before I go to the gym and it is perfection.


Two photos of awesome workouts after eating this breakfast.


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