Friday, June 13, 2014

Special K

One diet, that I tried last year when I was loosing weight, was the special k diet. I was also exercising and what not, but I believe it worked. Y'all know, or should by now, that I have a very large sweet tooth. What can I say? I love to eat sweets and bake sweets; however, now, when I bake sweets I try my hardest not to eat them, well, more or so try not to over eat them.

So what is the special k diet?
You go to the website for Special K and you create an account with them. It is free, but you do have to provide an email. When you create your account you put in your weight, height, age, and gender. You also record your weight right now, and your goal weight. After you do this, it gives you a meal plan for all of those days, two meals being special k products, as well as two or three snacks being special k products. It will also give you a grocery list, so you can go shop and by all of your ingredients for the recipes it provides. (oh that is another thing, it gives you recipes).

When I did this diet, I didn't totally follow their plan, though it would be great for someone that wanted to follow it to the T, and honestly it would probably be more beneficial to follow it as intended. What I would do though, is I would have special k cereal for breakfast, fruit for a snack, for lunch half of a turkey sandwich with wheat bread, avocado, tomato, and sometimes a little Dijon mustard. (No mayonnaise because I use to LOVE mayonnaise, and it was extremely hard for me to cut it down, so I just didn't use it at all!). I would eat more fruit or a handful of nuts, then I would go run 40 mins to an hour, and then come home and drink one of the special k protein shakes or eat a protein bar.  Then for dinner, I would eat a morning star veggie burger. on days I didn't run I would do the special k protein shake for breakfast, the special k cereal for lunch, and then dinner just any meal 600 calories or less.

The special k diet claims to help you lose 6 lbs in two weeks, if you do it right, and though I wasn't doing it exactly right, it worked. It helped me go from 125 to 120. It was awesome. It also helped me lower my calorie intake, as well as, since the special k products taste a bit sweet, if I wanted a late night snack I ate the chocolatey delight cereal. Yes, I know you shouldn't eat late at night, but hey the special k chocolate cereal is a much better choice than cookies, cupcakes, or ice-cream, which would have been my choices before. Don't get me wrong I still have the sweet stuff no and again, I cannot totally deprive myself of them, but they are no longer an every-day occurrence, which they use to be.

Well, now, that I am back to workout out regularly and trying to lose more weight, I decided to give special k another go around! I am doing two special k products a day and one regular meal on non workout days and on workout days two special k meals and two regular meals. On all days I am still having all the fruits and veggies I want and some nuts, yogurt and what have you.

Well two weeks on the diet, I will say between when I lost a lot of weight, I went back up to 124.. and now, I am at 116. So that is 8 lbs down, I am not totally sure if it's special k, but probably a combination of special k, running, and lowering my calorie intake. My goal is to get down to 100 eventually, (I'm short 5'2 to be exact so it's alright y'all) but i'd be happy getting to 108-110 and maintaining that by the end of the year and then trying to further my weight loss. It tends to get more difficult when you've already lost a lot of weight.

So for anyone wanting to lose a few lbs easily, or just get into a healthier eating lifestyle check out the special k website. Also I most recently tried the vanilla cappuccino shakes, and they are amazing, probably my favorite ones to date. Also buying two boxes of cereal, almond milk, two packs of protein bars (containing 6 each) and three packs of shakes (each containing 4 each) was $32.00 after taxes. Not to bad, eh?



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