Wednesday, May 21, 2014


I have been trying to get in a good detox for a couple reasons.
Reason # 1. I do not drink enough water in the day. An average person needs 8 cups of 8 ounces of water per day, that is 64 oz, and I'm lucky if I get 16 ounces in. I have been constantly feeling tired lately, even though I am sleeping 10 hours a night. Also my headaches have been out of this world. I know this is TMI but I hadn't been able to go to the restroom like you're suppose to daily. With this all in thought, I decided it is time to cleanse my body! Again, just a more tolerable cleanse. The cleanse I am about to tell y'all about was recommended by Jillian Michaels. Side note- I love her and she is awesome. A plus to this cleanse is, you are suppose to lose 5 lbs. I am on day one of the cleanse, I usually start feeling exhausted to the point of not being able to keep my eyes open at 7 pm, and it's 8:30 P.M. and I feel great. My headaches today have been gone! I am excited to see how my body feels after day 7!

Alright let's get into the cleanse! You do it for 7 days strait.
Mix 60 ounces of water with  ( I rounded up to 64 ounces being that's how much water you need in a day)
1 tea bag of dandelion root tea
1 tablespoon of sugar free cranberry juice
2 tablespoons of lemon juice.

First I want to say, you will not find sugar free cranberry juice, as cranberries contain natural sugars, but go for the least amount of sugar you can find. I found one with 9 grams, which was a hell of a lot better than all the other ones I was seeing with 28, 30 32 grams of sugar. The one I found was $4.50 for 32 ounces verses the higher sugar ones were about 60 ounces for $2.00, pay the extra and get the less sugar one, if you want this detox to work.

Dandelion root tea is suppose to naturally be good for your digestive system. I found mine at my local GNC for about $5.00. I started my mixture by microwaving some water, about 8 ounces for one minute, once done, I allowed my tea bag to steep in the cup for 15 minutes, after that I poured it in a pitcher, I measure my remaining 56 ounces of water into the pitcher, then my lemon juice, and cranberry juice. I put the tea bag in on the side, and kept it in, so the bottom was stronger. I drank all of the water within my first 4 hours of being awake, and I felt absolutely amazing today! Some people say this is bitter, however I felt like it was like drinking unsweetened iced tea with a bit of lemon. The taste didn't bother me one bit! I will check in with y'all after it's completed to see if I lose any weight and just over all how I feel!

The cranberry Juice nutrients



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